Well, FWIW, the Wikipedia article on Rekers goes back to summer 2007. In 1983, he was a founding board member of the Family Research Council, thusly:
Q - Who founded Family Research Council? Answer... A - Dr. James Dobson, Gerald P. Regier, and a few other like-minded pioneers first saw the need for an organization like Family Research Council during the 1980 White House Conference on Families. Following the Conference, Dr. Dobson, Jerry Regier, and five other Christian leaders met to discuss ways to make it easier for public policymakers to receive input from scholarly experts who have an appreciation for strong families and a respect for the time-honored truths that undergird family well-being. Their idea became a reality in 1983, and Jerry Regier became FRC's first president. The founding board included Dr. Dobson and two noted psychiatrists, Armand Nicholi Jr. of Harvard University and George Rekers of the University of South Carolina medical school.