Carrol writes:
"Lack of indolence among U.S. workers is a major source of working-class
weakness. I would like to again claim that those in the "people-serving"
jobs (teachrs, nurses, firefighters) have a class duty to be lazy
themselvesd and encourage it in their fellow workers. "
While I understand what you're talking about I do not agree.
First I think it makes a difference what kind of work and under what circumstance you apply indolence.
There was plenty of indolence in Romania under Ceausescu, but it did not lead to anything good.
Secondly, the indolence of the working class will destroy its spirit long before it causes any harm to capitalism.
Indolence in a nurse, teacher, or firefighter hurts the working class first because the working class is 95% of the population. I'm willing to bet anything that Bill Gates will always get superior service.