Nice take down. Even so, it seems that just the fact that Sachs was on Democracy Now as a public figure of the left... might mean some horrible impending doomsday is upon us?
This reminds me of a short scene or short story written about the days just prior to the 1848 French Revolt. I forgot the author, french or maybe russian. Our narrator is sitting in his usual spot having his afternoon sit down with the papers and a drink, when a strange character comes up and invites himself to sit down. The stranger begins talking immediately as he has known his interlocutor well for years. He discusses all manner of events and historical forces and such like ranging across philosophy, politics, the current personalities of the day.
He is very engaging but remains strange in his excited state, seeming to be a little crazed, and just on the edge of madness. But our narrator becomes accustomed to meeting the stranger after several days in a row when the man appeared at his table.
Then one day the stranger disappeared and the narrator was at first a little worried about him. Then he was annoyed. The man had left without so much as a good-bye.
A week later, the 1848 revolution started in Paris.
The narrator speculates that his stranger was a Stormy Petral, a small dark bird that dashes in and out of rough waters catching small fish on the surface. When a big storm is brewing, they come inland and are found in unexpected places.
So maybe Sachs is a Storm Petral.
I was very taken by this story because it strongly reminded me of the mid-60s transition from serious political critique and then the arrival various drug personality type like Timothy Leary and crowd. There was supposed to be some deeply political and radical meaning to a drug, when there was clearly nothing more than a different escape high.What exactly were we supposed to tune in or turn in to?