On Aug 3, 2011, at 9:59 AM, Julio Huato wrote:
> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/08/02/1002524/-Why-I-am-not-disillusioned-with-Barack-Obama
> “When you are in a coalition and you’re comfortable. You know you are
> not in a broad enough coalition.”—Bernice Reagon
> The fractious and divided American left should get used to the idea
> that the non-revolutionary Left and the revolutionary Left should
> really be on the same team, just playing different positions. The
> non-revolutionary Left tends to get caught up in the day to day grind
> of slow incremental reform and legislation. That needs to be done and
> that’s their main job anyway.The revolutionary Left is supposed to
> have the vision thing, generating and propagating the ideas and
> strategies that sound crazy now, but will be considered commonplace
> 5-10-20 years from now. The revolutionary Left is also supposed to be
> experts on strategy when mass uprisings break out, which they do with
> the unpredictable power of a Midwest tornado. If everybody does their
> jobs with reasonable competence, the American Left grows stronger and
> genuine reform becomes more possible.
Do you approve of this piece of nonsense, or are you forwarding it the way a pathologist might want to share an interesting lesion (a "fascinoma," I once heard) with colleagues?