carrol's talking about your method.
Carrol's engaging in belligerent histrionics. Which he's entitled to do at his age - we deserve it as much as the kids playing on his lawn, I guess - but I'm killfiling him, as I hope to someday be less of a grumpy old man, and his example isn't helping. :-)
> you've already said that you agree that some people are more oppressed
Which should be perfectly obvious, even to someone who hasn't just spent a week with people being bombed. Really, other than my last statement, I can't think of one more self-evident. As I once heard Ward Churchill, with whom I rarely agree, say, "The more oppressed people are the ones who are being massacred" (or words to that effect). Anyone who disagrees is, as the kids are saying, on crack.
> and it is with those groups we should engage in political struggle.
When did I say anything like that?
> I'm saying that your response is like a rorshach test: if you sympathize
> with that view of course you're going to mock your privileged western
> friends for being wusses.
I'd probably think most Westerners were privileged wusses regardless of my politics.
That's my quota for the day, I think. Fire at will.
-- "Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlað."