The idea is to create a feasible alternative way to live for exactly these reasons. Why not bail on your debt? Who gives a shit if you default on your loans if you create a small society where you can live and not suffer the repercussions bankruptcy supposedly puts on you? (this was in a piece Eric forwarded here written by one of the communard anarchists who is part of Occupy Oakland). Following, why not strike? If the repercussions are no way to live, communization is a way to live.
Out of curiosity, why would it be verboten to discussion pooling resources and donations for this purpose?
At 09:08 PM 12/17/2011, Jordan Carroll wrote:
>...I know this is probably
>verboten in some circles, but has there been any discussion of collecting
>and pooling voluntary cash donations from Occupiers or establishing some
>sort of minimal institutional apparatus to ensure continuity in any of the