> Who are you, anyway? 83235 is a zip code in Idaho. Is that it?
No, that's not it. Does that help?
Objectively, it's interesting (okay, to me) how folks whom I desperately wish to see as allies respond to confusing anonymity, willed discretion, tenuous confidence - to say nothing of identity-based provocation - on top of substantive engagement with loaded topics. Teases all the demons out of the dungeon. Shake the jello mold, see which way it jiggles and all that. But of course several of you thought we were *arguing*, as opposed to *exploring* - and found me prickish as a consequence. Count me in, pricks and all.
At a certain point, everything turns into a hall of mirrors, and it's important to know who can recognise her / his own face in a distorted reflection on that fateful day. When the shit (sorry, really - PG13 again) goes down, I want to know who's got a chip and who doesn't. Kindly see my earlier link to bloggish discussion of "communisation" if there are any lingering questions on this.
Anonymity might also keep me from taking a slug to the brain stem, at least for now - which, at least for now, I favour.
That's a metaphor.
<winky winky>
So, we good?