On 17 mars 11, at 13:11, Carrol Cox wrote:
> <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/17/world/asia/17nuclear.html?_r=1&hp=&pagewanted=print>
> March 16, 2011
The day before, here is what the British government said:
And that reflects more accurately what we hear in Japan from a lot of diverse sources. Even today.
It is unlikely that this Jaczko guy had any more information than what the British had when they released their information.
> "Everything in their system is built to build consensus slowly," said one
> American official who would not be quoted by name because of the delicacy of
> discussions with Japan. "And everything in this crisis is about moving
> quickly. It's not working."
Yep, like the consensus building over Katrina...
That's total BS.
It must be freaking out a lot of Americans (including a lot of "officials" who don't understand a bit what is going on here) to see all those Japanese staying calm, not looting stuff etc.
Jean-Christophe Helary Japan