> Actually, music is not
> even needed for dance -- drums will do
Don't try telling a drummer that he's not a musician. They're short-tempered and prone to violence.
> The potential of music could never be realized until it had been
> freed from dance.
Wow. This is robust, big-picture, grand-narrative stuff.
When exactly did music's liberation from dance occur? A quick flip through HAM suggests that dance-y music has coexisted alongside not-so-dancey music for a couple of millennia now, at least. And music you can dance to still seems to be in little danger of extinction. A degraded taste?
Does Josquin realize the "potential of music" more than Buxtehude? Titelouze more than Lully? The KdF more than the French Suites?
And "potential of music" -- what a concept. Who's to say what the "potential of music" is, until it's actual?
-- --
Michael J. Smith mjs at smithbowen.net
http://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org http://www.cars-suck.org http://fakesprogress.blogspot.com