Cheers, ken
For some 'light reading' on the country now impersonating Sweden, you might look at:
'We never had a single conversation with a Swede'
'Immigrants in Sweden are treated as a homogenous, deviant group'
and, from that wonderful rag of the Right that made headlines at Washington's Smithsonian, the American Spectator, a 'love letter' to Sweden...
The article ends by observing: Nonetheless, it's surely paradoxical -- and tragic -- that a small Nordic country which remains a byword for its (at times obsessive) commitment to egalitarianism has proved far more willing than America to give economic liberty a chance. 'Free Market Sweden, Social Democratic America' - from the decidedly 'Right-wing' magazine 'The American Spectator' When American Spectator writes love letters to Sweden, it's no wonder we have a party with neo-Nazi roots in parliament. And, xenophobia is alive, well, and running wild, fueled by scapegoating immigrants for the pain of the neoliberal programs here.
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