[lbo-talk] Jobs

// ravi ravi at platosbeard.org
Thu Oct 6 19:56:33 PDT 2011

On Oct 6, 2011, at 10:38 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 23:24, // ravi <ravi at platosbeard.org> wrote:
>> Listen, let’s not get into a pissing match about Internet history, CPUs and technical shit
> Of course, you are free to believe anything you want. To put an aura
> (or patina) of "magic" into what someone has done, even if it was just
> having success at creating a brand, religion, or mix of the two.
> However, when it comes to facts, the "technical shit" that you
> disdain, is what matters.

I don’t disdain it - I have responded to each of the points you raised (ranging from Tim Berners-Lee/Andressen and the Internet, to Atom vs PowerPC vs ARM vs A4). If you want we can keep going on that front until Doug shuts this down.

The point is that somewhere between the obits that annoy you and the idea that Intel is the source of Apple’s success lies my position. And that position is based on the user experience of Apple’s products, which you might think are based on religion or branding, but which I maintain are genuine.

I started this conversation by writing approx: “**I don’t know why**, but the news makes me sad” - I didn’t make any claims that Jobs was an innovator, or visionary, etc. But he led the development of user friendly products, that people bought because they worked well and were sturdy and reliable, etc. And that wouldn’t be very remarkable, if not for the fact that much larger players, with access to the same resources, were bundling and cheating the customer and leaving them with a miserable experience.


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