I want to piggyback on your message with a "me too". Often it is the email that I want to take time to respond (in “non-stupid ways”), because the author took trouble to write a detailed message, that goes unattended because I don’t end up finding the time; and the email disappears out of sight in my Inbox (yes, GTD addicts :-), I have tried all sorts of processes and methodologies, but I am no good at it). I have 86 such LBO-talk messages sitting in my Inbox (not counting off-list email sent by LOBsters)! So a big thank you and apologies to the authors.
BTW, techies: I just moved all my email off Gmail and onto iCloud. Since iCloud does not let you use personal domains, I had to do some SMTP trickery to do outgoing email with my preferred email address in From :-).