I think that the wordpress theme you're using at Jacobin Blog is compromised by the creators (I've downloaded themes at workdpress.org that were created by SEO spammers and contained hidden links to porn sites) or possibly some sort of SQL injection attack is going on? No idea.
If you do a google site search on the site + some term you'd expect to find such as Seth Ackerman or Bhaskar or Marxism or Liberalism, the google results yield blog articles with the term, as well as author pages, that have been injected with search engine porn bait.
site:jacobinmag.com neoliberalism (or Seth or Marxism or zizek or ...)
you get stuff like this as you page through the results:
xxx pictureview password - Left-neoliberalism: what is to be drunk passed out guy sex - By Popular Demand
naruto hentai pics without a membership - Ten Years Later ideas for teen to make money - anti-globalization sexy lover nicknames pet names - politics celebrities in the nude - Liberalism Summed Up In One Anecdote
You may have fixed it, since not every single post or page on the blog or site has the porn bait, and google is slowly clearing its cache of compromised pages. Or possibly these SEO hackers may have been doing it randomly so as not to bring too much immediate notice.
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