My position isand I can’t count the number of times I’ve said this bluntly, yet to no avail, in response to those in blissful thrall of the comforting Manicheanismthat of course racism persists, in all the disparate, often unrelated kinds of social relations and “attitudes” that are characteristically lumped together under that rubric, but from the standpoint of trying to figure out how to combat even what most of us would agree is racial inequality and injustice, that acknowledgement and $2.25 will get me a ride on the subway. It doesn’t lend itself to any particular action except more taxonomic argument about what counts as racism.
I have to admit I am confused by this issue.
For example, when I look at the way in which justice is dealt to brown vs white people, it seems like racism is at work. But I'm willing to learn if someone can explain to me why this isn't racism.