[lbo-talk] Noam Chomsky is losing it

SA s11131978 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 11:17:09 PDT 2011

On 9/28/2011 1:25 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:

> Who else? Let's hear some names. Chomsky claims to support
> Palestinians; which ones?

When Chomsky was denied entry to Israel/West Bank last year, he was scheduled to give a speech at Bir Zeit. Why? Because he'd been invited to speak by Mustafa Barghouti, of whom he's an old friend and comrade. Barghouti is of course the head of the Union of Medical Relief Committees - one of the most significant signers of your famous BDS petition. (I.e., the holy text that everyone must agree with to the letter on pain of being tarred a racist, like Chomsky.) So apparently The Palestinian People don't unanimously agree with your particular manner of designating The Enemies of The Palestinian People.


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