aside from which it was freely distributed with the hope that developers who borrowed it would make a donation. here's from the comments section of the javascript file powering the feature you like:
-> This code is distributed on condition that all developers using it recognise the effort that
-> went into producing it, by making a PayPal gratuity OF THEIR CHOICE to the authors within 14
-> days. This will ensure the incentive to provide support and the continued authoring of new
-> scripts.
-> If you think people should work for nothing and you cannot agree to abide promptly by this
-> condition, we recommend that you decline the script. We'll understand.
-> Gratuities cannot be accepted via any source other than PayPal.
-> Please use the [Donate] button at, stating the URL that uses the code.
At 11:57 AM 4/20/2012, Sean Andrews wrote:
>I think it may be too much coding for the
>platform to survive without loads of money supporting it, but for the
>moment it is pretty sharp.
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)