[lbo-talk] Oliver Stone's first episode

123hop at comcast.net 123hop at comcast.net
Mon Dec 3 22:11:00 PST 2012

No. It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis. No doubt about it.


----- Original Message ----- At 4:27 PM -0500 3/12/12, c b wrote:

>The Soviets inflicted 90% of the Nazis casualties. So, clearly it was
>the Red Army that defeated the Nazis. The Western front was tiny
>compared to the Eastern front.

Surely what ultimately defeated the nazis was the relative productive capacity of the US compared to the Germans and the Japanese.

I imagine the Nazis coming to realise, with horror, that the US could replace ships faster than the nazis could replace the torpedoes they were sinking American ships with. But maybe they never did realise that?

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas ___________________________________ http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/mailman/listinfo/lbo-talk

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