T: I also don't have much further to go with this thread, except to say that the Leninist orthodoxy here is not to my appetite, and secondly that the personal IS political, and thirdly that the formal reduction of politics to an ideal situation falsifies it, as Hegel would have known.
Suggestion: When you say (or think) Theory, think e=mc*2. If you have wandered into realms or topics where you cannot hold on to that as your model of Theory, then you may or may not be discussing important matters, but you have left behind all the debates of the last century over Theory and Practice.
T: Well, leaving some of them behind doesn't sound that bad to me, in the light of these wretched posts! But if there is a theory in politics that somehow (I know not how) equates to e+mc2 I would love the chance to trash it.
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