[lbo-talk] Fwd: swecw-list> Radical socio-ecological struggle list

Nicholas Roberts nicholas at themediasociety.org
Wed Jul 4 16:49:57 PDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: dr.woooo <dr.woooo at gmail.com> Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 3:08 PM Subject: swecw-list> Radical socio-ecological struggle list

Please fwd Social war --- energy crises. -- climate war. Email list invite

Climate change is a fact. This list is a place to discuss responses from below, those of the exploited and those involved in struggles against capitalism and state against climate change and biocrisis. The interconnection of the work/energy/climate crisis : Many ruling class responses to capitalist crisis are used against the exploited, how is this the case with Climate Change ?

One of it’s main goals of this list is to collate information and discussion around the capitalist and military use of climate change, from NATO statements, CIA projects, military drives built around fear of climate migration and ‘energy-national-security’ to the potential of emerging false technological-solutions such as Geo-engineering. How do we resist, the potential of these strategies to make life worse for poor and exploited, those least responsible for climate chaos. Indigenous worldviews and post-development

In terms of anti-capitalism we are also against the state and for autonomy, the maintenance and creation of commons, grassroots, horizontal organising a position of no-borders and critical of political parties, union bureacracies and NGO hierachies.

Other areas of possible discussion:

- Will geo-engineering being used in warfare, or at least to the benefit of competing capitalist interests to our detriment ?

- Displacement via ‘development’ of capitalist projects continues, or as the zapatistas call it the 4th world war, as previously this is often done in the name of ‘ecology’ reserves, now adding carbon offsetting forests via REDD, and even windfarms pushing the poor off the land.

- the work/energy crisis and the anti-nuke movement’s and its relevance in the wake of the crisis of neo-liberalism, the war on terror and Climate-War ?http://www.midnightnotes.org/PDFnofuture.pdf

Communisation and the ultra left

- global civil war/social-war/class-war, 4th world war, climate-war? How useful are these terms, have we got a useful vocab to understand and inform struggles ?

- climate hysteria and its use, critique of the greening of hate of the far right and other existing or emergent capitalist trends.

- class composition and just-transitions/revolutionary transformations or the ‘ green ‘ recovery of capitalism ? What kind of class subjects are being prioritised around this discussion and organising of a just transition movement ? Discussion around what Ariel Salleh calls the ‘meta-industrial class’ consisting of some indigenous, peasants, housewives, subsistance living especially women in this analysis ? Contrasting with a critique of reformist trade-unionism with green edges, shit green jobs as the continuation of work ? Precarity and Climate change ?

- Green capitalism or the greening of neo-liberalism ?

- Wages/class conflict and the energy crunch or Geo-economic peak oil ?

A critical interrogation of the peak energy/energy crunch debates from autonomist and other perspectives of the anti-authoritarian left and possibly marxist decadence theory.

- Discussion of groups like MEND and the oil pirates off the coast of Nigeria, the zapatistas, or indigenous protests in the Americas. Occupy movement, anti-austerity politics. Riots and insurrections.

- US Imperialism in the form of forest protection pushed on 3rd world countries. Redd as colonialism

- The coming green boom, bust and meltdown? Carbon markets, green capitalist policy ?

- Green austerity, How will the poor be made to pay for capitalist climate policy ?

- Can alternative energy markets boost capital markets to a point of recovery ? Can green policy from above form a new-new deal ?

- Will the current growing talk on many levels of

geo-engineering solutions, actually come to be ?

To join discussion


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-- -- Nicholas Roberts US 510-684-8264 http://Permaculture.TV

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