[lbo-talk] Capitalism is an irrational system

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Fri Jul 20 21:07:27 PDT 2012

I think Marx left valuable clues as to how to sublate the rule of Capital. As Marx observes in CAPITAL Volume I, chapter one: "Whence, then, arises the enigmatical character of the product of labour, so soon as it assumes the form of commodities? Clearly from this form itself."

Ending commodity production by producing for use and distributing the wealth the producers create on the basis of need is a way of generally outlining the rational in contrast with the irrational system we communists know as the generalised wage system used to produce wealth as a 'vast accumulation of commodities' or as most non communist leftists know it, capitalism.

IMO, in any initial stage of communism (aka socialism), a producer should be able to draw from the associated producers' social store of goods and services in proportion to what she or he creates, quantified by society-wide, democratically approved/recognised necessary labour time. Four hours of this sort of labour time into the social store gets the producer four hours worth of goods and services from the social store.

I see nothing wrong with presenting a general socialist outline. I'm not talking about details like providing 'recipes for the cookshops of the future'; but of giving the imagination a boost out of swamp of radical liberal reform efforts of the generalised left, as Marx was doing when he wrote:

"Let us now picture to ourselves, by way of change, a community of free individuals, carrying on their work with the means of production in common, in which the labour power of all the different individuals is consciously applied as the combined labour power of the community. All the characteristics of Robinson’s labour are here repeated, but with this difference, that they are social, instead of individual. Everything produced by him was exclusively the result of his own personal labour, and therefore simply an object of use for himself. The total product of our community is a social product. One portion serves as fresh means of production and remains social. But another portion is consumed by the members as means of subsistence. A distribution of this portion amongst them is consequently necessary. The mode of this distribution will vary with the productive organisation of the community, and the degree of historical development attained by the

producers. We will assume, but merely for the sake of a parallel with the production of commodities, that the share of each individual producer in the means of subsistence is determined by his labour time. Labour time would, in that case, play a double part. Its apportionment in accordance with a definite social plan maintains the proper proportion between the different kinds of work to be done and the various wants of the community. On the other hand, it also serves as a measure of the portion of the common labour borne by each individual, and of his share in the part of the total product destined for individual consumption. The social relations of the individual producers, with regard both to their labour and to its products, are in this case perfectly simple and intelligible, and that with regard not only to production but also to distribution."

from CAPITAL volume I, chapter one

Hi-ho, Mike B)


Wobbly Times


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