<1339097377.47693.YahooMailNeo at web111513.mail.gq1.yahoo.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
My dissertation adviser, Allen Wood, wrote an article that probably quotes or cites or discusses the passage you're remembering: *Allen W. Wood, 'Marx and Equality' in Issues in Marxist Philosophy IV; John Mepham and David-Hillel Ruben (eds.). * * *I would dig out that book, but we just moved offices and it's buried somewhere. The Critique of the Gotha Program also makes the point you make about distribution according to need.
?Somewhere, perhaps in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts Marx says
> something to the effect that under capitalism even if there were equal
> distribution of income that the worker would still be in effect a slave. I
> just cannot find the relevant quote. Does anyone recall the passage? I
> thought it was interesting since it shows that the idea of an equal
> distribution of income has nothing really do with communism as understood
> by Marx. It makes little sense anyway since to distribute according to
> needs would surely involve unequal? distribution.of income.
> Cheers, ken
> ?
> Blog: http://kenthink7.blogspot.com/index.html
> Blog: http://kencan7.blogspot.com/index.html
Chris Sturr
Co-editor, *Dollars & Sense*
One Milk Street
Boston, Mass. 02109
phone: 617-447-2177, ext. 205
*Note: We just moved offices; phone contact will be spotty for about a week.
fax: 617-447-2179
email: sturr at dollarsandsense.org