[lbo-talk] A Glimpse into the Fate of Ph.D's currently

shag carpet bomb shag at cleandraws.com
Mon Jun 11 19:36:32 PDT 2012

because it's usually a fuckload easier than working at walmart. just having to punch a clock and have so much of your time not be your own is a MAJOR suck. it's not just the hours on a job, but the regimentation of those hours = never mind standing, stooping, and generally being surrounded by a shit atmosphere, flourescent lights, shit environment, shit managers, the monitoring, the demands, the condescension, being treated as if you're invisible, etc

And, no matter how shitty adjunct pay was, it was always more per hour than the minimum wage you get paid at walmart.

$7/hr at 30 hrs/week (if you're lucky) = Gross $210/week = $903/month x 4 months = $3612

Adjunct pay for 1 class/ semester = $3600/semester @ ~16 weeks at 6 hrs/week = 96 hrs /semester = $37.50/hr 2 hrs prep/3 hrs class / 1 hr office.

According to glassdoor.com, the salary for a visiting adjunct professor at Arkansas ranges from 35k-115/yr. Assume 4 classes: 3hrs office/ 16 hrs in class teaching / 16 hrs prep = 35 hrs/week at 32 weeks = $31.25 - $102.68/hr

Even if you double the hours to account for all the hard cases who haven't figured out that they should spend the least amount of time as possible invested in this shit, you're still doing considerably better than a 32/hr per week employee at Walmart.

At 06:35 PM 6/11/2012, Carrol Cox wrote:
>Below is a post put on the English Department list, advertising an opening
>at University of Central Arkansas for a "Visiting Assistant Professor"! I
>find it amazing that people will take such positions rather than getting a
>job at Walmart. It is sobering to think that almost certainly there exists a
>number of people with all the qualifications listed who will apply for this
>horror of a job.
>Incidentally, the conditions being offered Chicago teachers turns the coming
>fight into one where they have almost nothing to lose: the job conditions
>will be so hopeless. And they have a good deal of community support,
>including other public worker union locals.
>Query from those who know labor history. Is a 90% Yes for a strike (of
>total membership, not just of those voting) very common?
>From: englishtalk-l informal English Department chatter
>[mailto:ENGLISHTALK-L at LISTSERV.ilstu.edu] On Behalf Of Joan Mullin
>Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 3:42 PM
>Subject: Fwd: Visiting Assistant Professor Opening
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Carey Smitherman <csmitherman at uca.edu>
>Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:58 PM
>Subject: Visiting Assistant Professor Opening
>To: WPA-L at asu.edu
>Visiting Assistant Professor in Writing:
>Composition Specialist
>The Position: The Department of Writing invites applications for a
>non-tenure-track, visiting assistant professor position in composition for
>the 2012-2013 academic year. The successful candidate must be a specialist
>in rhetoric and composition, technical writing, or closely related field and
>must have strong interest and experience in teaching first-year writing.
>Experience with writing centers is also considered a plus. Duties include
>teaching primarily first-year composition with the possibility of teaching
>one or two upper-level courses depending on qualifications and department
>need. Teaching load is typically four courses per semester.
>Minimum Qualifications: College writing teaching experience and a PhD in
>Rhetoric and Composition, Technical Communication, or closely related field.
>Application: Review of applications begins immediately and will continue
>until filled. Electronic submission of materials is encouraged. Candidates
>should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for
>four references to:
>Dr. Scott Payne, Chair
>Department of Writing
>College of Fine Arts and Communication
>University of Central Arkansas
>201 Donaghey Avenue, Thompson 308
>Conway, AR 72035
>Email: spayne at uca.edu

-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)

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