[lbo-talk] How long can the Lesser Evil Stay in Power?

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue Mar 13 19:50:47 PDT 2012

Lesser-evil politics failed in 2000 and 2004, 'succeeded' in 2008, and will probably succeed this year. The Apocalypse of Palin or Romney or Perry in the oval office has been (temporarily?) avoided. Over the last 60 years, however, no Party has remained dominant for more than 12 years, and several times for only 8 or 4. Do those supporting the DP this year seriously suppose that it will also triumph in 2016? In 2020? In 2024? What is your 'middle range' strategy? Will the DP move 'left,' or will it continue its move to the right, leaving less room on its right for any but "lunatic politics." Barring a radical change of some sort the triumph at some point in the not-too-distant future of a Palin (or worse) seems quite inevitable. How does giving your thought, time, & energy to electoral politics serve to prevent (and not merely postpone) The Greater Evil?


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