[lbo-talk] advertising and marxism

nathan tankus somekindofheterodox at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 16:50:15 PDT 2012

"Okay. What difference does that make? Economic processes determine the amount of labour in them and the amount of labour in them determines their value, right? And their value determines their worth in the marketplace. Okay. Great.

But I claim that this isn't true. Mike Jordan wearing the Nikes determines the amount of value attributed to them in the marketplace. Not the amount of sweatshop labour that economic processes had dictated go into the shoes.

Naturally, the manufacturer, through his PR people, pay Jordan handsomely for adding market value to the product.."

I think this argument is bad. still, I'm interested in what others would have to say about it.

-- -Nathan Tankus -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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