[lbo-talk] don't want to get a ticket for breaking a rule that you don't think should apply to you? Feel free to move to the fucking moon where you can run stop signs and drive 40mph through neighborhoods all you like.

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com
Wed May 9 10:58:24 PDT 2012

michael yates writes:

> let's say you don't quite come to a stop in a
> situation where there is no traffic.
> We have all probably done this.

Here's what I know about drivers: once you start making decisions about when it's okay to ignore a rule of the road, you become a danger to yourself everyone around you. You become a wild card. Are they going to stop? What if they are only going to stop if they think they need to, and the only reason they'd think they need to is if they see me?

What if they don't see me?

What's the big deal about treating every action the same way every time, whether (you think) someone is looking or not?

Or: if you didn't think you needed to stop and got a ticket, isn't it clear that you can't possibly have enough information to determine correctly when it's okay to blow a stop sign? I mean, you didn't see the cop; what makes you believe you saw everything else?

Besides: by definition all the shitty driving I see is when there *is* traffic. So we're not talking about what you do at 4am with clear streets. We're talking about what has become commonplace. It's dangerous, and it's rude. You might be able to blow-off the danger part (but please don't drive in my town); but you can't say that it isn't selfish and rude.


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