The problem with the helmet = safety thing is that helmets aren't worn in bike heavy European countries. I don't have Traffic or Pedaling Revolution on me right now, but these riders aren't suffering more injuries without their helmets in these countries. So it again boils down to the safety in numbers theory: more bikes, safer roads.
I occasionally wear a lighted safety vest when riding at night or very early in the morning when I have 3 a.m. releases. I gave up wearing it during daylight hours, because I got a lot more hostile behavior. I reckoned this, based on comments I read about cyclists in local paper (and also in Vanderbilt):
1. this aggro subset of drivers never think they suck; they see the safety vest as remonstration directed at them. they get angry at the messenger for daring to suggest that drivers might be bad drivers. this is the subset of assholes that see vulnerability and keep on abusing
2. i suspect the aggro drivers believe you are to blame for daring to ride on the streets to begin with. there are a number of cyclists in the community who think the same of other cyclists. At any rate, for this subset of aggro drivers, my guess is that they think you deserve being scared or harmed because, by wearing safety gear, you're aware that it's dangerous and do it anyway. As such, you are the idiot and, therefore, deserve the abuse.
At 10:16 PM 5/10/2012, Jordan Hayes wrote:
>Michael Smith writes:
>>I noticed, when I stopped wearing a helmet, that drivers
>>treated me less aggressively. Panniers also help, for some
>I notice that people who don't wear helmets tend to treat cycling less
>seriously -- they are the first to blow stop signs and weave through slow
>traffic; maybe what you're seeing isn't that people are being less
>aggressive, but that they have become afraid of you and what you might do.
>You don't wear a helment; what other dumb, unsafe things are you up to?
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)