“Raya Dunayevskaya: Biography of an Idea”A new documentary film Screening: Tues. Nov. 20 at 7:00 p.m.At: Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen St., NYC (bet. Stanton & Rivington Sts., Lower East Side)Presenter: Marxist-Humanist InitiativeOpen discussion follows screening The film illustrates some major ideas of the philosopher, activist, and feminist Raya Dunayevskaya, who developed Marxist-Humanism over most of the last century. This year marks the 25th anniversary of her death. Today her ideas are gaining renewed attention, as economic crisis and seemingly permanent recession, war, sexism, and racism spur people to question and to challenge the future of capitalism. The title and content of the film flow from Dunayevskaya’s reluctance to talk about personal matters because, she said, “my biography is the biography of an idea.” As the film describes it, there was no separation between her ideas and the way she lived her life. For a review of the film and more information, see http://www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org/our-publication