In the NY Times, we find a story that indicates the older brother was a sad, lonely, disaffected person who never really found a way to fit in. But the headline suggests that his religious beliefs were a causal factor: "A Pilgrim in a Violent Land: 'Listen to the Call of Prayer."
It may turn out that the were religious radicals But, man, it is astonishing how the story is being subtly spun that way before anyone has had a chance even to talk to the surviving suspect.
This on a day when the Business section of the NY Times ran a story about how CNN, in its haste to scoop its competitors, misreported that a suspect had been apprehended before that was the case.
The despicable call to try them as enemy combatants is of a piece with this almost blanket disregard for getting the facts before spouting off .
Gary Mongiovi Economics & Finance Department St John's University Jamaica, NEW YORK 11439 (USA)
Tel: +1 (718) 990-7380 Email: mongiovg at ________________________________________ ------------------------------
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 03:31:46 +0000 (UTC) From: 123hop at Subject: [lbo-talk] No rights for Tsarnaev? To: lbo-talk <lbo-talk at> Message-ID:
<1464702009.1187213.1366601506694.JavaMail.root at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
I don't get it. Why no rights? I mean why not use due process to convict him if he's guilty?