On 02/08/2013, at 10:55 AM, John Glastonbury <jglastonbury at gmail.com> wrote:
> One request: who is in the north Houston area? And how does one stay red
> here? I'm lost in a sea of republicans evangelicals and oil parasites...
> Any comrades here or suggestions for groups to get connected with?
This article might help:
A brief excerpt:
But there is another way, one that involves personal example and calls all of us to repent, not just those of whom we disapprove. This way is also more effective. “Everyone is aroused from his lethargy by seeing a real man walk on the scene, amid all the stage properties and marionettes of conventional politics,” Chapman had discovered from his own hard-won experience. People might object to what such a brave soul says and does, but they listen, and their hearts and minds are changed whether they admit it or not. They do not necessarily vote for such a candidate, “but they talk about the portent with a vigor no mere doctrine could call forth, and the discussion blossoms at a later date into a new public spirit, a new and genuine demand for better things.”
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas