Wojtek Sent from my Droid On Feb 2, 2013 11:15 AM, "michael yates" <mikedjyates at msn.com> wrote:
> Full at http://cheapmotelsandahotplate.org/2013/02/02/lucky-to-have-a-job/
> "Workers in a hospital are sick of management violating their collective
> bargaining agreement. Their work is ever more stressful: hours keep getting
> longer; patient loads rise; safety rules are ignored. They tell their union
> steward that it is time to bombard the bosses with grievances before they
> explode in rage. He tells them, “You better not do that. You’re lucky to
> have a job.”
> In every industry in the United States, there are more people seeking
> employment than jobs available. Conservatives and liberals alike say we
> have to put men and women to work. They differ in how they would achieve
> this, but both shout out the mantra, “jobs, jobs, jobs.” Little is ever
> said about the kinds of jobs that need to be created. What will they pay?
> Will they provide benefits? Will they be interesting, safe, fulfilling,
> socially useful?
> Perhaps the reason we don’t ask such questions is that we take our work
> for granted, beyond our control and as inevitable as the rising sun. But
> looked at in the long sweep of human existence, the jobs we do and the way
> we do them are unlike anything we did before the rise of capitalism" . . .
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