[lbo-talk] EDF suing climate activists for ?5 million - protesters face losing homes

Wojtek S wsoko52 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 11:49:34 PST 2013

PS. Regarding housing construction, I do not want to speak for the UK, but on this side of the pond the issue is not about housing but about suburban sprawl on the taxpayers dime - buying cheap farmland, having local gov construct roads and grant tax breaks and building MacMansions and gated communities for closet racist white fatheads. An alternative is "smart growth" building higher density housing in deserted or underdeveloped urban areas close to transit centers. While I have seen some loony greens opposing any construction, most activists I know oppose the sprawl but favor smart growth.

-- Wojtek

"An anarchist is a neoliberal without money."

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