[lbo-talk] Anger at suicide of US internet activist

Wojtek S wsoko52 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 04:48:53 PST 2013

Andie: "I am stating to get angry at the misconceptions, distortions, and lionization of Swartz and his case.

[WS:] So just because he was a depresso, his act of civil disobedience is invalid? He may not have been hounded, but the fact that he was prosecuted with charges that carry draconian penalties certainly contributed to his depression. Give wide prosecutorial discretion in this country, the prosecutors could come up with lesser charges but they chose not to, either on direct orders from their corporate masters or perhaps to suck up to them. How is it different from the practices of "people's courts" in nazi Germany?

-- Wojtek

"An anarchist is a neoliberal without money."

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