>Valarie Plame Wilson. Your speculations about why she was outed,
>told with your typical assurance as if you had personal knowledge,
>are mere uninformed speculation.
It wouldn't stand up in a court of law, but that is not the standard I was aiming at. I am prosecuting a political case, not a criminal justice case. Mind you, loan me a couple of those CIA torturers for a few days and I'm sure I could get a full confession from Rumsfield (or anyone else). ;-)
>My understanding with Bigelow is that she was told by the CIA that
>torture was not instrumental in the assassination of bin Ladin, but
>chose to ignore that information in favor of dramatic license.
Told with typical assurance, implying you have personal knowledge. But nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. ;-)
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas