I worked in one for many years, as a waitress. People don't treat the relationship like that. It is a business transaction for many. Tips are rarely used to lord it over someone. It's only the rare bird who actually responds to wait staff the way described in the blog post. in my experience, they were democrats. LOL Rich democrats, but democrats nonetheless. at any rate, all I did was laugh at the idiot that wrote the post. Nothing in it came close to describing any waitressing I ever did, not even catering people's events at their homes, including that dude who owns Park Outdoor, catering board meetings of fortune 100s, or working in a truck stop.
Like I said, there was one memorable guy who would make you bend over backward for $100, but he was like that in general.
-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)