Fundraising page for the translation of Hans-Georg Backhaus's Dialectic of the Value-Form:
The classic collection of essays which were instrumental ininitiating the New German Reading of Marx as well as revitalizingvalue-form theory and critical theory has never been fully translatedinto English. It is contracted to be published by the HistoricalMaterialism Book Series. But we need your help! The wave of Marxian scholarship known as the New German Reading ofMarx that emerged in West Germany in the late-sixties and seventieshas received unprecedented interest due to the popularity of itsreception by authors such as Michael Heinrich, Moishe Postone, WernerBonefeld, Christopher Arthur, Patrick Murray, Riccardo Bellofiore andSimon Clarke. However, little of this work has been translated intoEnglish.We are planning to translate a series of seminal texts in the NewGerman Reading of Marx by authors such as Hans-Georg Backhaus, HelmutReichelt, Alfred Schmidt, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, and important latercontributions such as those by Helmut Brentel, Joachim Hirsch, DieterWolf, Ingo Elbe, Roswitha Scholz, Nadja Rakowitz, Sonja Buckel, SvenEllmers, Andreas Harms, Dirk Braunstein and Frank Engster. The firstwork in this series will be Hans-Georg Backhaus’s essaycollection: Dialectic of the Value-Form. This seminal collection of ten essays on Marxian value theory, thecritique of political economy, and its critical potential consists inthe vastly important contributions Backhaus made to the New GermanReading of Marx, which are still important for those interested inValue-Form Theory and Frankfurt School Critical Theory today.We are now raising funds for the translation of Dialecticof the Value-Form, which will cost $6,600. All donations over$100 will receive a free copy of the book. You can set up a recurring monthly donation here: