Left Forum, the largest conference of left academics and activists in the U.S., will take place June 2-4 at John Jay College in NYC. MHI’s panel will discuss the causes, dangers, and implications of those elements of the left that have been soft on Trump.
Confronting “Anti-Neoliberal Left” Collaboration with Trumpism and the Far Right Sunday, June 4 10:00 am–11:50 am, Room 1.87
Andrew Kliman, author of The Failure of Capitalist Production and Reclaiming Marx’s “Capital”
• The “Anti-Neoliberal Left” Narrative: Politically Dangerous and Factually Flawed
Brendan Cooney, blogs about Marx at wordpress.com/kapitalism101
• Should the Left Put Forward its Own Populism?
Bill Weinberg, journalist, author, activist, blogs world news at CounterVortex.org
• Is Trump Really a Fascist?
Anne Jaclard, Marxist-Humanist Initiative, activist
• A New Feminism Infuses the Resistance
Ravi Bali, London housing activist
• What to Avoid in our Criticism of Liberalism
Marxist-Humanist Initiative P.O. Box 414 Planetarium Station New York, NY 10024 email: mhi at marxisthumanistinitiative.org web: www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org (888) 579-2245