[lbo-talk] Fw: Video: Confronting “Anti-Neoliberal Left” Collaboration with Trumpism and the Far Right

seth weiss_seth at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 7 00:25:36 PDT 2017

________________________________ From: Marxist-Humanist Initiative <mhi=marxisthumanistinitiative.org at mail13.suw13.rsgsv.net> on behalf of Marxist-Humanist Initiative <mhi at marxisthumanistinitiative.org> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 9:26 PM To: weiss_seth at hotmail.com Subject: Video: Confronting “Anti-Neoliberal Left” Collaboration with Trumpism and the Far Right

View email in your browser<http://mailchi.mp/e821355d56d6/video-confronting-anti-neoliberal-left-collaboration-with-trumpism-and-the-far-right?e=a888a4bea6>.


July 6, 2017

Dear friend,

We urge you to watch the video of the panel <http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=9d76ea874d&e=a888a4bea6> that MHI sponsored at Left Forum 2017<http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=780feff5e6&e=a888a4bea6> on June 4. We chose to present on Confronting “Anti-Neoliberal Left” Collaboration with Trumpism and the Far Right in order to call out those segments of the so-called left who continue to seek accommodation with Trumpism in any way.

In spite of the growing evidence that Trump was, and may still be, colluding with the despot Vladimir Putin, and the growing misery Trump is trying to impose on the U.S. poor, the sick, immigrants, African-Americans, and women, some of this left continues to be soft on him on the grounds that his form of autocratic capitalism is somehow better for working people than are free-market capitalism and civil liberties. This strain of thinking was well represented at Left Forum panels and plenaries, and there were also protests over the exclusion from the conference of white nationalist and anti-Semitic speakers and conspiracy theorists—all claiming to be “the left.” Please watch the video, including the contentious discussion, or read the papers we've included in our website article.

Each of the speakers on our panel addressed the dangers in this collaborationist tendency. The talks were:

Ravi Bali, London housing activist

* What to Avoid in our Criticism of Liberalism

Anne Jaclard, Marxist-Humanist Initiative

* A New Feminism Infuses the Resistance

Bill Weinberg, journalist, blogs world news at CounterVortex.org<http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=b764cf2d2b&e=a888a4bea6>

* Is Trump Really a Fascist?

Brendan Cooney, blogs about Marx at wordpress.com/kapitalism101<http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=a6ce55027a&e=a888a4bea6>

* Should the Left Put Forward its Own Populism?

Andrew Kliman, author, The Failure of Capitalist Production and Reclaiming Marx’s “Capital”

* The “Anti-Neoliberal Left” Narrative: Politically Dangerous and Factually Flawed

We fear for our own future and yours. So we consider it important to speak up and to produce and distribute this video. We hope you will spread it far and wide, and will discuss it on our site—public debate is needed urgently.

Please also send us a contribution toward the costs of the videographer and the Left Forum registrations, which totaled several hundreds of dollars. We are an all-volunteer organization and must appeal to you to support our efforts.

With hope for freedom and a new society,

Marxist-Humanist Initiative




For a description of this pamphlet by Andrew Kliman, see video<http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=9372c87a54&e=a888a4bea6>.

Available for purchase at Bluestockings Books or order from MHI here<http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=e4e624b589&e=a888a4bea6>.


Click image for trailer & information on showing this documentary film.

Marxist-Humanist Initiative P.O. Box 414 Planetarium Station New York, NY 10024

email: mhi at marxisthumanistinitiative.org web: www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org<http://marxisthumanistinitiative.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3bfae7928775a996aaff05fe6&id=7f53b56187&e=a888a4bea6> (888) 579-2245

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