I suggest that we all listen carefully to Kali Akuno’s Oct 21 remarks here on YouTube [about 1 hr. 18 min.], about Jackson, MS and the major efforts being made by socialists in the Black community there to cope with material conditions, think short term as it contributes to long term goals and sustain community in the process. This includes self-support, acquisition of land for growing their own food and housing, refraining from electoral politics when they see clearly that success there simply means managing repressive austerity, with a far right white legislature coming to MS in January that is going to make things much tougher for this community. As in many places, the unemployment rate in Jackson exceeds 50%. A lotta sense is going down there and much to learn from. Building on the work of Fanny Lou Hamer, the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and Malcolm X, with emphasis on theoretical and practical clarity. This to me is an approximation, an example of how left organizing has to proceed in the patch that we are now in.
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