[lbo-talk] Poll: Canadian attitudes to immigration

Marv Gandall marvgand2 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 19:29:02 PST 2018

> On Nov 19, 2018, at 12:32 PM, Wendy Lyon <wendy.lyon at gmail.com> wrote:
> An Irish poll result published yesterday showed that 71% of voters believe
> that anyone born in Ireland should be entitled to Irish citizenship. This
> was the law until it was overturned by referendum in 2004. Support for
> birthright citizenship is highest among people under age 34 (most of whom,
> of course, would not have had a vote in that referendum).
> https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/huge-swing-in-favour-of-citizenship-for-all-born-in-ireland-mcqqd2ttw
> (free registration required)

It may be that the nativist backlash in the US, UK, Europe, and elsewhere is at or near its peak as demography continues to shift towards the more cosmopolitan urban centres and away from the rural areas, where economic and cultural insecurity is strongest. The more tolerant poll results probably also reflect that cross-border migration has ebbed in the past few years and is no longer the stuff of lurid headline news, manufactured hysteria related to American midterm elections excepted of course.

> On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 at 19:04, Marv Gandall <marvgand2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Despite the recent victories of provincial right-wing parties in Ontario
>> and Quebec, a new national poll shows three in four of Canadians surveyed
>> have a “positive” view of immigration and don’t consider it a concern.
>> If accurate, that finding could present a quandary for the federal
>> Conservative party, a large part of whose base reflects the same
>> anti-immigrant prejudices as in the US and Europe and which it fears losing
>> to a newly formed splinter party to its right.
>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/grenier-immigration-poll-1.4907577?cmp=news-digests-canada-and-world-morning
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