This week's Barron's

Mark Jones Jones_M at
Mon Aug 31 11:28:37 PDT 1998

Greg Nowell wrote:
>When I started grad
> skool in 1980 one of my first papers was on the debt
> crisis and how it was going to bring everything to a
> crashing halt, and probably very soon, at that. My
> prof (W.D. Burnham) reminded me not to underestimate
> capitalism's ability to muck along in a kind of
> grinding perpetual problem mode.

I think you have a case of foreshortened historical perspective here. 1980 is not actually that long ago. And there is plenty of cause/effect visible: the debt problem led to Plaza, 1987 and the Nikkei taking the strain of global reflation, which led to the end-run and final blow-off of Asian untrammelled Confucian cronyism which led to the latest Station on Capital's Calvary...

Only alchemists believe in perpetual motion.

Those of us for who the past two years here and elsewhere have been predicting what even the blindest economist can now see, have some cause for feeling smug today.

But this is only the beginning. There is a long LONG way yet to fall. We live in interesting times after all, as it turns out.


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