As Lou pointed out Chris did his doctorate under Marxist scholar, Betrell Ollman. Chris' books on Ayn Rand and F.A. Hayek have attempted to show that these thinkers had unappreciated dialectical dimensions not unlike those characteristic of Marxism. IMO Chris' case is less credible in the case of Ayn Rand but more so in the case of Hayek who proposed a theory of social evolution.
Jim Farmelant
On Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:06:42 -0400 Louis Proyect <lnp3 at> writes:
>People are so disoriented that a real live left or
>>libertarian communist (perhaps the most oppressed minority of all,
>>our underrepresentation in academic depts has led to no affirmative
>>at all) is easily mistaken for a left conservative. Just how
>>anti-communist this country remains--well, can I get a witness? Was I
>>dreaming the Reagan era?
>>best, rakesh
>What exactly is a libertarian communist? Is this like our old friend
>Spoons Chris Sciabbara who studied with Bertell Ollman and now writes
>flattering books about Ayn Rand and Frederick Hayek? He has a pretty
>teaching job at NYU, so it seems that at least one libertarian
>can pay his rent.
>Louis Proyect
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