Pinochet doesn't take chances but...

R.Magellan magellan at
Sat Nov 7 05:06:45 PST 1998

Excuse me if I bore you with my thoughts about the possible escape route for Pinochet. I think that the progressive forces of the countries located in the way back home could try to do something to harass the tyrant. Nevertheless, it seems by now that a compromise solution is taking shape: it would be established an international court in Geneva and a joint action of several European countries against Pinochet would be filed there. Perhaps the best solution!

The Chilean military have already taken precautions against the risks of another arrest or aerial interception of the plane riding Pinochet back home. The "Jornal do Brasil" of today (see below, published in Rio de Janeiro) says that they are going to substitute a Boeing 707 for the Gulfstream that is waiting for the tyrant at Brize Norton (a RAF airport, not Heathow). The former could fly without needing "to stop in other countries where a new request of search, arrest and extradition could be filed." Which are these "other countries"?

So, it seems that they fear an act of justice (search and arrest order) more than a sovereign act of governments (interception). Since they won't surely take the risks of flying over France and the Iberian peninsula, I guess that the most probable escape route is either flying over Canada or flying permanently over international waters in the Atlantic ocean. Even so, as far as I know, a Boeing cannot fly directly from London to Santiago de Chile without refueling somewhere. Where? The normal route is Brazil.

The information below also mentions that Pope John Paul II could intervene on the behalf of the aging tyrant on humanitarian grounds. Though the Pope still influences the Latin American and Iberian countries very much either for the evil as for the good, I think that he will be quite unsuccessful if he tries. It rather seems a bad joke.

In solidarity, Roberto

1848 / 1998: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch !

Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans (....) Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes Le grand PARTI DES TRAVAILLEURS. (L' Internationale)

######################################### Espanha pedirá extradição

Governo encaminha pedido do juiz que pretende processar Pinochet. Chile protesta


A reação mais violenta veio dos partidos de direita e extrema-direita. O vice-presidente da Renovação Nacional, Alberto Cardemil, qualificou a decisão espanhola de "ato de imperialismo intolerável" e propôs o rompimento, além da apresentação do caso ao Tribunal Internacional da ONU em Haia - hipótese que segundo a agência Efe é uma das que o governo estaria examinando (desvantagem: solução muito demorada), ao lado de uma possível intervenção do papa, pedindo a liberdade de Pinochet por motivos humanitários.

Em Londres, a Efe disse ter ouvido de uma fonte da base militar britânica de Brize Norton que um segundo avião chileno aguarda a possibilidade de levar Augusto Pinochet de volta para casa. Desta vez, ao contrário do Gulfstream enviado no dia 25 de outubro, tratar-se-ia de um Boeing 707 com autonomia de vôo suficiente para levá-lo a Santiago sem escalas por países terceiros, onde novo pedido de busca, captura e extradição poderia ser apresentado.

[7 de novembro][Retorna

Saudações de Roberto

1848 / 1998: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch !

Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans (....) Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes Le grand PARTI DES TRAVAILLEURS. (L' Internationale)

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