Why the Left Crys even When We Win (Re: Gingrich falls

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Sat Nov 7 17:30:20 PST 1998

On Sat, 7 Nov 1998, Nathan Newman wrote:

> To ignore the difference in candidates means the equivalence of
> politicians who want to ban most strikes and corporate campaigns as
> equivalent to those who want to ban striker replacement by employers,
> equating those who want to throw abortion doctors in jail versus those who
> want to fund abortions for the poor, equating those who want to strip-mine
> national forests with those who want to ban clear-cutting of forests,
> equating those who want to eliminate the minimum wage with those who want
> to raise it.

Where is your head, dude? You're not in Germany. This is *America*, land of free markets and home of the homeless. The Dumbocrats say all those things, and when they're in power, they (1) failed to pass a ban on scabs while pushing overtime for the biggest piece of scab legislation in history, namely NAFTA, (2) stomped AFDC benefits for the poor, (3) fudged the Endangered Species Act and are currently sitting on their ass while Pacific Lumber chainsaws the Headwaters forests. The Dumbocrats make small symbolic noises which their audience wants to hear, and then they go and completely fuck that audience over on the big issues.

It works the other way, too: the Republicans under Newt voted *for* a minimum wage increase. By your logic, we labor activists should be mourning Newt's, ah, decomposition.

-- Dennis

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