Tampa billboards (Re: Rush Limbaugh Wet Dream 1: Ressentiment)

W. Kiernan WKiernan at concentric.net
Sun Sep 13 21:03:52 PDT 1998

Frances Bolton (PHI) wrote:
> Oh, glad there's someone here from tampa. I drove past that billboard
> earlier today and wondered what it meant. I did get the Monica=bj
> thing, but was mystified by the rest. Is that the same radio station
> that had the saddam hussein "Madman across the water" billboard? For a
> time, one of the nude clubs here had a sign out front that read "White
> House Intern training school." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
> Copy of the Starr report sitting on my kitchen table but I don't have
> the stomach to read it...
> Frances

Oh dig in. It is delightful. However it is ever so much tastier when experienced in its original medium; i.e. read over the Internet, go to Yahoo for example, off a web page with a million links (to footnotes! Porno with footnotes! God, imagine! I break into tears of joy, and song: Almost too good to be true

Who do you what do you why do you do

While everybody's hiding under covers

Who's making lovers' lane safe again for lovers?

Clowntime is over

Time to take over etc.) Another thing you must see to complete your enjoyment is all the banner ads in the big host sites.

Here's a summary. The entire evidence which compels impeachment, conviction, hanging, drawing, quartering, and hanging the fractions in chains over Clinton's partisans's garden gates, is based upon Clinton's reaction to the perjury trap established on the basis of Linda Tripe's illegal wiretaps.

You shudder. By some hideous, unimaginable torture, by some nightmarish blackmail, or maybe narco-hypnosis, or perhaps some blackly-secret orbiting "national security assets," the mad and indefatigable Dr. Starr has managed to extract the tiniest detail of each of the, of the, oh damn it all, each of the fucks those two Monica and Bill went and did to one another, detailed down to the date, the time, location in the office, the kind of underwear Monica wore, how much of it she took off, what varieties of friction were applied just where, and the curiousest of all details - how many orgasms she had.

Yep, that was necessary evidence, you see; that was a point which Dr. Starr felt he had to clear up, for the good of the country, in order to perform his duty, to prepare Congress for their grim task - whether she came or not. I am pleased to be able to report to you that she did. Twice. Thank God. Thank God for that at least.

Now I just don't know how they managed to get some of these details right. I don't mean the orgasm count; that's the kind of thing you'd kinda remember, even decades later. I mean the exact date and the time of day, stuff like that, you know, you tend to lose track of those mechanical details in the bliss.

Yours WDK - WKiernan at concentric.net

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