Mumia: NATO/U.S. out of Yugoslavia! (fwd)

Michael Hoover hoov at
Mon Apr 19 14:39:15 PDT 1999

>NATO/U.S. out of Yugoslavia!
>By Mumia Abu-Jamal
>As a deadly rain of high-tech bombs falls on Yugoslavia, a deadening
>rain of propaganda falls on Americans, media-manipulated lies designed
>to prime the populace into supporting harsher military measures against
>a sovereign nation, in the name of protecting human rights.
>NATO is but a fig leaf for American "interests," and the bombing of
>Yugoslavia is but a global demonstration of the ruthlessness of the
>American empire. A demonstration? The monstrous atomic bombing of
>Japan, after it was virtually beaten in World War II, was not a
>military necessity, but a political one, designed to demonstrate to the
>Russians that the U.S. was, and would ever be, boss. It was a massive,
>deadly demonstration.
>So too, the Yugoslavia bombing treats Serbs as the U.S. treated
>Japanese during the war--as props to demonstrate the power of the
>Let us consider the claims that the U.S. is concerned about "human
>rights" or about the "rights of ethnic minorities," as the corporate
>press projects hourly. What of America's largest national
>minority--African Americans? The world-respected Amnesty International
>group, speaking through its secretary general, Pierre Sane, announced
>just days before the bombing, "Human-rights violations in the United
>States of America are persistent, widespread and appear to
>disproportionately affect people of racial or ethnic minority
>Sane was critical of police violence and executions in the U.S.
>Further, internationally, let's see how the U.S. responds to
>"liberation movements" of the oppressed. When fighters for Puerto Rican
>independence began to raise their voices, the U.S. didn't support this
>"ethnic minority," they sought (and continue) to crush, incarcerate,
>and silence them.
>Consider the case of the Palestinians, the Kurds, the East Timorese,
>the Colombian rebels--who has the U.S. consistently supported, the
>oppressed or the U.S.-armed governments?
>This isn't about "human rights." It isn't about "ethnic minorities."
>And it also isn't about "genocide." It's about establishing who's
>"boss" in the next century. It's about keeping Russia in its place.
>It's about keeping the European Union under the thumb of Wall Street.
>The bombing of Serbia is an echo of the bombing of three other
>countries in the past six months--of Iraq, Sudan, and Afghanistan. And
>for precisely the same reason--to show that it can be done, no matter
>what so-called "international law" states. It is to instill terror
>throughout the world, in order for U.S. capital to institute what
>former president George Bush tried to do, but failed: to establish a
>New World Order.
>Days before the bombing, NATO signed up Poland, Hungary and the former
>Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic) as its newest members, thereby
>virtually isolating Russia. Only Serbia and the Yugoslav states have
>refused to join NATO--their bombing is their punishment.
>Our brilliant, revered nationalist leader, Malcolm X, taught us to
>examine history. If we look at history, the bombing of Yugoslavia
>becomes clear.
>Empires are maintained, not by reason, but by ruthless terror. It was
>so in Rome. It is so in the U.S. The brilliant revolutionary, Dr. Huey
>P. Newton, founder of the Black Panther Party, explained, "The United
>States was no longer a nation. We called it an empire. An empire is a
>nation-state that has transformed itself into a power controlling all
>the world's lands and people." (1973)
>Huey was right then, and our response then was to oppose the empire. We
>must do that now.
>Down with imperialism! Stop the bombing! NATO/U.S. out of Yugoslavia!

forwarded by Michael Hoover

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