Stratfor: History of US/Iraq relations

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Mon Aug 30 08:30:02 PDT 1999

[This travels far from current events and predictions about their future and, perhaps because of that, might be some of their best stuff.]



The War That Time Forgot

August 30, 1999


The war in Iraq, the war that time has forgotten, appears to be

shifting into a mildly higher gear. The policy put into place after

the December bombing has generated constant sorties and frequent air

strikes, the reasoning behind them forgotten in the mists of time.

This makes the apparent shift in focus over the past week difficult to

understand. In order to understand things, it is necessary to think

through the foundations of U.S. policy in the region.


More than eight years after Operation Desert Storm, U.S. aircraft

continue to patrol the skies over Iraq, carrying out regular air

strikes against targets within the northern and southern no-fly zones.

Last December, U.S. aircraft conducted several days of intense

bombing, called Operation Desert Fox. Since the end of that series of

strikes, we estimate that U.S. aircraft have flown over 10,000 sorties

in Iraqi air space, including strikes at about 400 targets. The air

strikes are carried out from Gulf states friendly to the U.S., from

Incirlik, Turkey, and U.S. aircraft carriers rotating through the

Persian Gulf. Officially, the strikes are in response to attempts by

Iraqi anti-air systems to lock on to U.S. aircraft, in preparation for

attempts at bringing down U.S. aircraft. Since not a single aircraft

has been shot down, one would think that the Iraqis would have learned

not to turn on their radar by now. They are either extraordinarily

dense or U.S. air strikes are not actually being triggered by

aggressive Iraqi actions.

Under U.N. resolutions, Iraq contains two no-fly zones, one in the

north and south of the country. Iraqi aircraft are not permitted to

operate in these zones. U.S. aircraft are permitted to operate there

in order to make sure that the Iraqis are in compliance. It follows

that U.S. aircraft on patrol in these areas are permitted to defend

themselves against the Iraqis. Thus, if Iraqi anti-air systems try to

shoot them down, the U.S. is permitted to protect the aircraft by

attacking the systems. This has been the explanation for the ongoing

air campaign. It was, at least, an explanation.

However, this sleepy little war has had a significant character change

in the past few weeks. On August 19, U.S. aircraft bombed a target

outside of the no-fly zones, inside the central region where Iraq

retains clear sovereignty. At about the same time, the U.S. openly

shifted its targeting from responsive attacks against aggressive Iraqi

moves, to an attack on a fuel and ammunition dump.

So, about 10 days ago, the war shifted. About a week after that, an

Agence France-Presse report out of Amman claimed that an unnamed

Western diplomat had stated that the U.S. and U.K. were preparing a

"large-scale" operation against Iraq. Simultaneously, Arab leaders

started to condemn Saddam Hussein ostentatiously. The Jordanians,

after an opening to Saddam following the death of King Hussein, cooled

their relations with Saddam. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was

reported to have "washed his hands" of Iraq. Bashar al-Assad, son of

the Syrian president, called Saddam a "human beast." All told, it

appears that the war is shifting from its sleepy phase. The question,

of course, is what it is shifting to and why it is shifting now. To

figure that out, we need to understand what U.S. policy was from

December 1998 until now, a topic which is itself confusing.

When immediate policies don't make sense, we find it useful to go back

to first principles and try to understand what the underlying American

interests are. That takes us back to oil and the British. The U.S.,

like Britain before it, has had two interests in the Persian Gulf. The

first has been to make certain that no global rival could take control

of the region and deny the U.S. and its allies access to the oil. The

second interest has been to make certain that no power native to the

Persian Gulf could impose hegemony on the region, control all of the

oil and be in a position to manipulate the supplies and prices of

petroleum on a global basis.

A huge amount of the region's oil is on the western shore of the

Persian Gulf. Aside from petroleum, this is inhospitable country that

is relatively under-populated. Britain worked very hard to transform

the existing tribes and clans into administrative units that could

claim control of oil deposits as nation-states. The largest of these

entities was, of course, Saudi Arabia, but they included smaller

principalities like Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and so on.

Each of these had vast amounts of oil under their control. They were

also too small and weak to defend their wealth. There was therefore a

natural affinity between these states and Britain and then America.

The latter were interested in seeing the oil producers divided,

competitive and dependent on them for security. The former were

interested in maximizing returns on oil production within the

framework of a foreign guarantor of their security.

The British task was to keep German influence out of the region - and

to keep the Wehrmacht far away as well. The region was later subject

to the same policy, with different actors: the U.S. wanted to keep

Soviet influence out of the region and the Red Army far away. There

was a secondary policy derived from this: no regional power could

conquer the western shore of the Persian Gulf. Now, none of the

western Persian Gulf powers, Saudi Arabia included, was in a position

to act militarily. But the two northern powers, Iraq and Iran, were

each alone capable of invading and occupying the western shore.

Fortunately, from the American point of view, the two were mortal

enemies since the days of Babylon and Persia. This relieved the U.S.

of the need to insert massive forces into the region to protect the

western shore. Instead, the United States engaged in a

balance-of-power strategy, playing Iraq against Iran, fostering

conflicts that forced each to focus on the other, leaving no forces

remaining to invade the western shore. This policy neatly intersected

the U.S. policy of containing the Soviet Union. By allying with Iran,

the U.S. simultaneously tied down the Iraqis while blocking the Soviet

Union's aspirations in the Gulf.

When the shah fell, the U.S. was forced to shift policy. On the one

hand, it was forced to settle for an Iran neutral to the U.S. and

Soviet Union. But the real U.S. concern was the security of the

western shore of the Persian Gulf. Therefore, the U.S. quietly

encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade Iran. This served two purposes.

First, it gave the U.S. leverage with Iran, which now needed access to

spare parts and material (remember Iran-Contra). It also kept the

Iraqis occupied, which secured the western shore of the Persian Gulf

while opening channels to Iraq and limiting Soviet influence to some


Now, it is important to understand why Iraq agreed to play this role.

It was not for Saddam's health nor was it because Saddam coveted Iran.

Rather, Saddam wanted to dominate the Persian Gulf's western shore and

he understood, rightly or wrongly, that if Iraq were willing to invade

and defeat Iran, it would be permitted to take its place as the

dominant power in the Persian Gulf. This, of course, was not something

that the U.S. wanted to see, but the U.S. did want to motivate Saddam.

The U.S. expectation was that the war would go on interminably and

that the U.S. would be in a position to prevent any clear victor. The

war did go on for nearly a decade with countless casualties, but it

was not inconclusive. Iraq won. If not an absolute victory, there was

still no question that Iraq could act for a time without concerning

itself with Iran.

Iraq turned fairly quickly to gather the fruits of its victory--fruits

that it believed were its rights under implicit agreement with the

U.S. Indeed, Saddam informed the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq that he was

about to invade Kuwait as if it were understood that this was a

logical and necessary evolution. Indeed, with the effective

neutralization of the Soviet Union, one of the dimensions of U.S.

policy in the region no longer existed. Saddam thought that he had not

only an understanding, but that events had evolved to ease U.S.

concern. When the U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad was informed of the

impending invasion, she didn't even protest. It was an expected

evolution of policy.

But obviously, given the underlying U.S. interests in the region, any

promises made to induce Iraq to bear the burden of the war were not

actually made with the intention of allowing Iraq to collect the

fruits. The U.S. did not intend that Iraq dominate the western shore

of the Persian Gulf. The U.S. reacted by re-invading Kuwait and

securing the western shore of the Persian Gulf. However, the U.S. did

not invade Iraq, nor did it topple Saddam. There were three reasons

for this. First, the U.S. did not have the military resources to reach

all the way to Baghdad without a massive buildup, which would take

several more months. Taking a major city would mean substantial

casualties and the U.S. was casualty-averse. Second, the U.S. did not

want to destroy Iraq. It needed Iraq to counterbalance Iran, which was

still a long-term threat. Finally, the United States expected Saddam

to fall because of his failure.

Therefore, the U.S. instituted a policy that was designed to preserve

the Iraqi nation-state and simultaneously bring down Saddam. It

succeeded in the first and failed in the second. The U.S. simply

underestimated Saddam's ability to maintain his position. Saddam's

intelligence services detected and blocked every coup attempt. Saddam

combined terror and politics to maintain a degree of control over the

Kurds and the Shiites. Saddam manipulated the military so that any

potential threat - and several non-existent threats - were destroyed.

From a strategic standpoint, this was not an unsatisfactory outcome.

The western shore remained fragmented and dependent on the U.S. for

its security. Iran remained hemmed in on its western flank, unable to

expand, unable to drop its guard. Iraq remained unable to move south.

At low cost relative to the prize, the U.S. achieved what it wanted


Politically, however, the survival of Saddam posed a challenge. The

inability to destroy Saddam represented a severe limit on U.S. power.

As with Milosevic, Saddam's survival communicates that the personal

risk involved in challenging the U.S. may not be so great. This

increases the willingness of others to take risks. The survival of

Saddam is also a major problem domestically. Having worked to convince

Americans that Saddam is the reincarnation of Hitler, the U.S. has a

great deal of trouble negotiating with him. Since strategic interests

dictate that the U.S. maintain relations with Iraq, it is politically

necessary to remove Saddam.

Now, it is important to understand that the sanctions against Saddam

have collapsed. Since neither Russia nor China is likely to honor

them, Saddam can get what he wants when he wants it. He can also sell

his oil, especially at recent prices. Moreover, with a Sino-Russian

alliance in the offing, the security of the Persian Gulf from outside

forces - a non-issue since 1989 - might once more be on the table.

Getting rid of Saddam so that the U.S. can create a working policy in

Iraq is a strategic imperative. More precisely, politics is getting in

the way of strategy.

This was the point of Desert Fox and its aftermath. The U.S. bombed

Saddam after he refused to let U.N. inspectors in, on the grounds that

they were spying for the CIA. Since then, it has been revealed that

Saddam was pretty much right. This information left the U.S. UN fig

leaf in tatters. The second phase of the bombing, from the beginning

of the year until August 19, seemed to have been driven by some

strange theory that Saddam was utterly insane and that bombing him

would push him over the edge. He may be bonkers, but it is a stable

insanity. He did not collapse under the strain. The bombing continued

without any apparent effect or purpose.

We are now in a new stage, of which the purpose is clear: to deal once

and for all with the Saddam question so that we can move on to more

important strategic issues in the region. But there is a problem: why

should a strategy that has failed to unseat Saddam since 1991 succeed

today? There is no reason to believe it will, and U.S. policy makers

are fully aware of that. It appears to us that the U.S. has a two-tier

policy. Tier one is a final attempt to crack his regime, followed by

the much more important tier two--positioning the U.S. to be

reconciled not so much to Saddam himself, but as to Saddam being a

feature of the Middle East.

The U.S. and U.K. are going to be submitting proposals to the UN next

month on renewing inspections of Iraqi facilities for weapons of mass

destruction. Since the last round ended in a complete and utterly

embarrassing foul up, getting approval will not be easy. Indeed, since

the proposal needs Security Council approval, passage is more than a

little doubtful with China and Russia in the mood they are in. If that

resolution fails, the post-1991 regime will have collapsed. But if it

collapses because of the UN, the U.S. will have the political cover

needed to deal with Iraq. In other words, if the U.S. hangs tough and

the policy collapses anyway, the politics might shift a bit.

There is a lesson in the U.S. Iraq strategy: do not personalize

strategic interests. The U.S. must drive strategy in Iraq according to

its interests on the western shore of the Persian Gulf. These

interests should not be held hostage by the survival of a particular

personality. The constant identification of U.S. enemies as the

reincarnation of Hitler's absolute evil may help solidify public

opinion during war, but it makes the conduct of foreign policy in the

post-war world extremely difficult when the personality in question

refuses to go quietly. This is a lesson for U.S. dealings with

Milosevic as well as Saddam Hussein. Demonizing the enemy is fine, if

you can crush him. If not, you are left negotiating with the devil,

which is not only politically embarrassing but reveals underlying

strategic weaknesses for all to see.

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