For the helluvit, those of you that want to may peruse the coming semester's syllabi . My own two courses (473z and 371) are on the list. Rakesh may be interested to note that I've assigned Szporluk based on his say-so. I wish they would send me my copy so I could figure out what pages to assign. It is my understanding that this kind of thing (a syllabus) is considered privileged information by pomo femmilefties who are resisting in court attempts by NewRightWhiteMaleNazis to get the syllabi so they can make fun of the professoriateand the crap it assigns. In our department it hadn't occurred to us that this was private information. I am referring to the New Paltz vagina puppet controversy and its sequelae, but I'm not real up-to-date. Anyhow, here's the crap that this corner of the professoriate assigns. We were motivated to move to the internet posting of this stuff A) because it helps recruit grad students; B) it reduces the need to carry hard copies of the syllabus around and C) eliminates the "I didn't know what to do because I didn't have a syllabus" routine.
Older syllabi are in the archive including my political economy graduate course from last semester. -gn
-- Gregory P. Nowell Associate Professor Department of Political Science, Milne 100 State University of New York 135 Western Ave. Albany, New York 12222
Fax 518-442-5298