Farewell to Oskar

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at gmx.net
Thu Mar 18 02:03:37 PST 1999

Brad De Long wrote:
>And no one has yet explained to me why Lafontaine did resign...
OK, lets try a different approach: Perhaps there is really no explanation in the realm of political science, though German papers are full of all kind speculation. Looking for some political reason my first thought was thats a Barschel sort of thing. Perhaps Lafontaine was blackmailed by the some evil forces who found out some black spots in his past. But explanations like that are more for the fans of conspiracy theories. Today I can see only an explanation on strictly personal reasons. Lafontaine is 55, has been divorced several times and has a two years old son. Though he loved his power, he was just fed up with all the fighting with Schroeder and co. Cant you imagine how great it would be a pensioneer and doing all what you would like to do. Only a few people can afford to do so, but Lafontaine certainly can. In Germany retired politicians dont have to think about there future. Something else I could imagine what had an influence on Lafontaine was the way how the career of his wife got damaged by his post. She had to refuse interesting job offers to avoid the impression of getting the post just because she is Mrs.Lafontaine (and not Christa Müller). Being an economist she made a few TV appereances after the elections, critisicing the Bundesbank and telling that the Central Bankers arenot 'soncrosanct'. Immediately she was portayed in the tabloid press as the witch behind the bad boy. Since than she did not appear on TV again. Johannes

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