Lesser weevil (was: bouncing ethnicity)

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Wed Mar 31 14:46:12 PST 1999

At 03:32 PM 3/31/99 -0600, Carrol wrote:
>I'm almost tending towards thinking that the GOP is indeed the lesser
>evil. They are so much easier to fight, and are so much less attractive
>to what John Taber recently called, so nicely, "hand wringing complicity."
You are probably right, Carrol, at least they are a known or predictable quantity. But when a draft dodger attempts to lead a military - industrial complex, strange things can happen as he tries to 'prove himself.' Being more Catholic than the Pope can have disastrous consequences, indeed.

Consistently with my Marxist beliefs, voting for a liberal politco makes no sense when teh material base is in the hands of the bourgeoisie. If anything, it is better to have a politicians that is more open about the class interests he reprsents.

Max S. predicted that the current Kosovo adventure can cost the democrats an election. Perhaps. But at least they will not get my vote.


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