Germany: east-west divide on Kosovo

Chris Burford cburford at
Mon May 3 23:43:22 PDT 1999

In broad terms according to German tv 2/3 of the population of the former west Germany support the NATO attack on Yugoslavia. It is rejected by 2/3 of the population of the former DDR.

It is suggested that protests in the west are relatively small. The protests in the east depend on the cooperation of the PDS with the christian churches who contributed so strongly to the Citizens Movement that brought down the old SED. If I understand the news reports correctly, one of the conditions that the churches insist on is that the demonstrations should not give a platform for the Serb nationalists. I did not understand from the report whether that is also the policy of the PDS but I assume it is now.

I wonder whether the PDS has however established more of a national base by its stand. Even a rise to 5 or 10% in the polls in the west might be a useful base.

Opinion in countries like Germany and Italy may have a decisive effect on the way this war ends so I hope subscribers can clarify these reports even allowing for the differences of viewpoint between us.

Chris Burford


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